Issue Thirty-Seven Contributors

Issue Thirty-Seven is inbound.  Who’s coming up…
Olivia Somes
Olivia Somes is a thirty-two year old recent graduate of California State University, Long Beach. She earned a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing. In the fall, Oliva starts her first year of graduate school in the MFA program for Creative Wrting, at CSULB. You can find her poetry in Verdad and several issues of Bankheavy Press. In the Spring of 2011, Olivia won the William T. Shadden Scholarship Award for poetry, at CSULB.  Her first chapbook, a joint chapbook with Karie McNealy called “Life After Purgatory,” is coming out this summer by Bankheavy Press. Olivia enjoys writing subjective poetry and narratives that reflect voices outside of her own. She hopes to write a graphic novel and television pilot one day. Olivia loves narrative and snarky contemporary poetry, dystopians, small presses, tacos, beer, barbecuing, and laughing at bad television.
Alan Britt
Alan Britt read poems at the World Trade Center/Tribute WTC Visitor Center in Manhattan/NYC, April 2012, at the We Are You Project (WeAreYouProject.Org) Wilmer Jennings Gallery, East Village/NYC, April 2012, and at New Jersey City University‘s Ten Year 9/11 Commemoration in Jersey City, NJ, September 2011. His poem, “September 11, 2001,” appeared in International Gallerie: Poetry in Art/Art in Poetry Issue, v13 No.2 (India): 2011. His recent books are “Alone with the Terrible Universe” (2011), “Greatest Hits” (2010), “Hurricane” (2010), “Vegetable Love” (2009), “Vermilion” (2006), “Infinite Days” (2003), “Amnesia Tango” (1998) and “Bodies of Lightning” (1995). Britt’s work also appears in the new anthologies, The Robin Hood Book: Poets in Support of the Robin Hood Tax, by Caparison, United Kingdom, 2012; American Poets Against the War, Metropolitan Arts Press, Chicago/Athens/Dublin: 2009 and Vapor transatlántico (Transatlantic Steamer), a bi-lingual anthology of Latin American and North American writers, Hofstra University Press/Fondo de Cultura Económica de Mexico/Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Peru, 2008.
Rebecca Gummere
Rebecca Gummere lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains where she works for an agency providing shelter and support services to victims of domestic and sexual violence. She also teaches in the Composition Program at Appalachian State University. Her work has appeared in Skirt! Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Gettysburg Review, and an essay is forthcoming in Alimentum. She holds an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte and is currently collaborating on an anthology about ashes – the stuff that is left after the fire and the grinders have done their work, delicately referred to as cremains.
Trevor Alexander
Trevor received his MFA from the University of Nebraska Writing Program. His work has appeared in The Mustard Seed Risk and is forthcoming in Fiction365 and Strange Machine. He lives in Lawrence, Kansas.
Mila Anhielo
“My name is Mila Anhielo, I’m a 21 year old girl from Los Angeles, like everyone else. My work revolves around the various findings and realizations that make me just like everyone else, except I like to dress up my experiences and tell the world about ’em. I think being a poet is about creating connections, if you can relate to my stupidity, then I have done my job.”
Jack Caseros is a Canadian writer whose first novel, “Onwards & Outwards,” was independently published to zero acclaim.  
Matthew Morris-Cook
Matthew Morris-Cook is attempting to secure his place in history through what he terms the Literary Remnant Principle, whereby his works are mediocre enough to elude book burning and well-enough received to reside in the farthest depths of university archives, where they will be sheltered from nuclear fallout. He hopes future archaeologists will appreciate his work and assume it is the best humanity has to offer. His poems have appeared in Poesia, The Muse, and Plain Spoke. He is currently a PhD Candidate in English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Geoffrey Miller (Cover Artist)
Geoffrey Miller is a lecturer of composition currently teaching at Qatar University in Doha, Qatar.  His most recent publications are “Kyoung Bok Palace 004” (photography) cover of Willows Wept Review Winter 2012, “Ascension” (short fiction) in Stepping Stone Magazine May 2012, “Worldly Temptation – 005” (photography) in Existere Journal of Arts and Literature Vol. 33 No. 2, “Hanoi – Dissemination” (photography) in Superstition Review Vol. 9, “On a Balcony in Cusco – 008” (photography) in THIS Literary Magazine Vol. 14, “Manila” (short fiction) in Anok Sastra, Vol. 6, “Motionless Movement” (photography) in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal Vol. 15 and “Istanbul” (photography) in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore Vol. 10 No. 4.  His photography series “The Streets of Sri Lanka” is also on permanent display in the Prick of the Spindle Online Gallery.