Issue Fifty-Four Contributors


Meet the contributors of upcoming Issue Fifty-Four…

Crystal Piaskowski

Crystal Piaskowski is a senior at Kutztown University and will be graduating in the Fall of 2013 with a BA in Professional Writing. Crystal is an equine enthusiast and continues to live by the adage “You never know when you are making a memory.”

Aleah Sterman Goldin

Aleah Sterman Goldin is currently pursuing a creative writing degree at the University of Richmond as a Boatwright Scholar. She is the recipient of the National Council of Teacher of English Achievement Award in Writing, M.R. Robinson/National Constitution Center Civic Writing Award, and national Scholastic Art & Writing Silver Portfolio Award. In 2003, she was included in the National Storytelling Youth Hall of Fame. Her prose has also been published in Metal Scratches, Furrow, and Zeek.

Charles Holdefer

Charles Holdefer is an American writer currently based in Brussels. His short stories have appeared in the North American Review, New England Review and other magazines. New fiction is out in the current issues of The Los Angeles Review, Gargoyle and Slice. Charles has also published four novels with the Permanent Press, most recently “Back in the Game” (2012).

Bradford Garcia

Bradford Garcia is a first-year student at Texas A&M University – Commerce with aspirations of becoming a college professor. This is his first publication.

Heather Bell Adams

Heather Bell Adams practices law in Raleigh, North Carolina. She has published essays, poetry, flash and short fiction and can be found on Twitter @Heatherbelladam.

Andy Hughes

Andy Hughes has written poetry for various journals both online and in print, including Danse Macabre, Gargoyle, and CHEST, the official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians. He is a regular contributor to the (usually) SFW humor website

Genevieive Oliver

Genevieve Oliver is working on an undergraduate thesis and a novel called “Dust Rules Everything Around Me” in a cold room in Western Massachusetts. Her work has been published in decomP, Wilderness House, and Blue Fifth.

Jean Ryan

Jean Ryan, a native Vermonter, lives in Napa, California. Her stories and essays have appeared in a variety of journals, including Other Voices, Pleiades, The Summerset Review, The Massachusetts Review, Earthspeak and The Blue Lake Review. A collection of her short stories will be published by Ashland Creek Press in April 2013.