Issue Fifty-Eight Contributors


Issue Fifty-Eight is coming!  Meet the artists involved…

Jack Hill

Jack Hill works in recycling, edits Crossed Out Magazine and Trenchfoot Gazette, and lives in Northern California.

Aleksander Plonski

Aleksander Plonski born in 1977 in Gdynia, Poland, where he attended elementary school. From 1987 to 1991 he worked as an actor in musical theater. At the age of fifteen he moved to Brooklyn, New York, where he attended high school and then went on to study Philosophy and Literature at Stony Brook University, from where he graduated with honors. After his studies he worked as an analyst in the heart of the global financial center until 2008. In 2004 he started a design studio with his wife and has worked extensively in the graphic design, silkscreen and mono printing. He left New York in 2011 and eventually settled in Montevideo the following year where he lives, writes and works as an English teacher.

Philip Kobylarz

Philip Kobylarz lives in the East Bay of San Francisco. Recent work of his appears or will appear in Tampa Review, Apt, Santa Fe Literary Review, New American Writing, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Salzburg Review and has appeared in Best American Poetry. His book, “rues,” has recently been published by Blue Light Press of San Francisco.

Kim Peter Kovac

Kim Peter Kovac works nationally and internationally in theater for young audiences with a focus on new play development, networking and mentoring, and is one of the founding editors of the international TYA playwrights network, Write Local. Play Global. He has had a number of articles and op-ed pieces published in small-circulation national and international publications.  Recently he published an op-ed piece on www.HowlRound.comand has had poetry, prose poetry and Flash Non-fiction published on or accepted by The Vine Leaves Literary Journal, the Journal of Compressed Creative Artsand Eunoia Review.  He lives in Alexandria, VA.

Robert Laughlin

Robert Laughlin lives in Chico, California. He has published 100 short stories, 200 poems and one novel, “Vow of Silence.”

Cara Long

Cara Long hopes the next Mayor of New York City will make the creation of affordable housing a top policy priority in her/his administration. Her work has appeared/will appear in Whiskeypaper, Boston Literary Magazine, Halfway Down the Stairs, SmokeLong Quarterly and the Circa Review.
Brian P. Vowels
Brian is a Supply Chain Professional residing in La Grange, Kentucky. This is his first published story as he doesn’t count one lone newspaper submission as a published work. He has a degree in Organizational Leadership from Northern Kentucky University and he is married. He recently finished the 9th draft of his first novel and hopes to have it published soon and with some luck some of his poetry may one day find its way to the public.