Issue Eighty-Four Contributors


Mondays are always made better by the arrival of some new friends…

David Michael Joseph
David Michael Joseph the author of “Exodus from the River Town” published by Shook Up publishing. He is also a poet and filmmaker from New Jersey, now living in Los Angeles who has a passion for storytelling and poetic verse, which he infused into his films that include four short films such as Festival selections “Shadows of Sepulveda” and “C.A.k.E.” His poetry and stories can also be found in: Amulet, The Ultimate Writer, Conceit Magazine, Danse Macabre du Jour, Threshold Revelations Issue 21, The Malaysian Poetic Chronicles, The Other Herald, The Blinking Cursor, Essence of Poetry culture Edition, Off The Rocks, Protest Poems, Mel Brake Press, Stellar Showcase Journal, Black Magnolia, Spirits and Tuck magazine.

Daryl Farmer
Daryl Farmer’s first book “Bicycling beyond the Divide” received a Barnes and Noble Discover Award. His recent work has appeared in The Whitefish Review, The Potomac Review, Green Hills Literary Lantern, and Fourth River. He is an assistant professor at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks where he teaches creative writing and literature.

Melanie J. Cordova
Melanie J. Cordova is currently a PhD student in Creative Writing Fiction at Binghamton University. She has stories out or forthcoming with The Santa Fe Writers Project, The Oklahoma Review, Yamassee, Larks Fiction Magazine, and The Waterhouse Review, among others. Melanie also serves as Editor-in-Chief to Harpur Palate and as the Coordinator of Writing By Degrees 2014.

Thomas Piekarski
Thomas Piekarski is a former editor of the California State Poetry Quarterly. His theater and restaurant reviews have been published in various newspapers, with poetry and interviews appearing in numerous national journals, among them Portland Review, Main Street Rag, Kestrel, Scarlet Literary Magazine, Cream City Review, Nimrod, Penny Ante Feud, New Plains Review, Poetry Quarterly, The Muse-an International Journal of Poetry, and Clockhouse Review. He has published a travel guide, “Best Choices in Northern California,” and “Time Lines,” a book of poems. He lives in Marina, California.

Danny Earl Simmons
Danny Earl Simmons is an Oregonian and a proud graduate of Corvallis High School. He is a friend of the Linn-Benton Community College Poetry Club and an active member of Albany Civic Theater. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in various journals such as Naugatuck River Review, Off the Coast, Shadow Road Quarterly, Grey Sparrow, and Verse Wisconsin.

Rose Mary Boehm
A German-born UK national, Rose Mary Boehm, short-story and novel writer, copywriter, photographer and poet, now lives and works in Lima, Peru. Two novels and a poetry collection (“TANGENTS”) have been published in the UK. Her latest poems have appeared – or are forthcoming – in US poetry reviews. Among others: Toe Good Poetry, Poetry Breakfast, Burning Word, Muddy River Review, Pale Horse Review, Pirene’s Fountain, Other Rooms, Requiem Magazine, Full of Crow, Poetry Quarterly, Punchnel’s,  Avatar, Verse Wisconsin, Naugatuck River Review, Boston Literary. For her photographs see:


RV is the author of “The Tall Grass Trilogy” and two books of meditative essays. He’s currently at work on a collection of dervish essays.

Ricky Ginsburg
Ricky Ginsburg is one of those writers who sees a flock of birds heading south for the winter and wonders what they talk about on their journey. His portfolio consists of over 300 short stories, nearly half of which have found their way into various magazines, both paper and electronic, and four novels, all self-published. While much of his writing has elements of magical realism and humor, he also has a serious side, but keeps it in a small plexiglass box under his desk.

Ross Hargreaves
Ross Hargreaves lives and writes in Boise, Idaho. His work has appeared in Vol.3 of the Victoria Rose.