Issue Ninety-Six Contributors


Corey Pentoney
Corey Pentoney is currently working on mastering the art of the waffle, searching ancient texts for the perfect combination of baking soda and sugar. When he discovers the perfect waffle, he plans to start a monastery deep in the Adirondack wilderness to pass on the recipe.

Michael Haskins
Michael Haskins is an M.F.A. candidate in fiction at Oklahoma State University.

Barb Natividad
Barb Natividad’s work has appeared in the Wilderness House Literary Review, Center, and the North American Review. She lives with her husband and three cats in Chicago, and holds an MFA in poetry from The Ohio State University.

Pierrette Rouleau Stukes
Pierrette Rouleau Stukes loved words as a child, but forgot. Relishing others’ words, she earned degrees in English literature. She remembered her first love and has published creative nonfiction in The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, Mountain Memoirs: An Ashe County Anthology, and The Rose. Her essay “Swimming” was awarded first place in a regional creative nonfiction contest. “Tilted Toward Life” was nominated for the 2011 Best of the Net for nonfiction. A short-short fiction story, “Between the Lines,” earned an Honorable Mention in New Millennium Writings. Her nonfiction memoir essay “Misinformation Effect” has also earned an Honorable Mention in New Millennium Writings.

Galdys Justin Carr
Gladys Justin Carr is a recovering corporate executive now writing full time. Formerly Publisher & VP at Harper Collins book publishers, she is the author of a poetry chapbook, “Augustine’s Brain–The Remix,” and co-author of “Edge by Edge.” Her recent work has appeared in over 90 literary magazines nationwide and in Canada. She is a winner of a California State Poetry Society Award and has been nominated 3 times for the Pushcart Prize. She is listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World, probably because she is an internationally renowned chocoholic.

Patrick Karl Curley
Patrick Karl Curley is from the Northwest Coast of Ireland. He has a BA in Anthropology and English Literature and an MA in Drama and Theatre Studies. Recent dramatic work includes “Beneath The Bone Moon” and a theatrical adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”. He has previously published work in Black Heart Magazine and From The Depths