Issue 104 Contributors

Andrew Valencia
Andrew Valencia worked for several years as an EFL teacher in South Korea, Panama, and Taiwan. He returned to the United States to pursue an MFA degree in fiction at the University of South Carolina. His short stories have appeared in The Fat City Review, Eclectica, Independent Ink, Mixed Fruit, Switchback, and other journals.
Ashley Scheil
Ashley Scheil currently has multiple part-time lives while trying to figure out exactly what she’s doing. She works too much, writes too little, and spends an obscene amount of time correcting grammar mistakes for students who insist all English teachers eventually go crazy. 
Keith Moul
Keith’s poems and photos appear widely. Three recently published books include: T”he Grammar of Mind” from Blue & Yellow Dog; “Beautiful Agitation” from Red Ochre Press; and “Reconsidered Light,” a collection of poems written to accompany Keith’s photos, from Broken Publications. 
Douglas Collura
Douglas Collura is the author of the book, “Things I Can Fit My Whole Head Into,” which was a finalist for the 2007 Paterson Poetry Prize. He was also the 2008 First Prize Winner of the Missouri Review Audio/Video Competition in Poetry. His work has been published in The Alembic, BLACK&WHITE, The Broome Review, Coe Review, Crack the Spine, The Cynic, Dislocate, The Dos Passos Review, Eclipse, The Evansville Review, Paterson Literary Review, Lips Magazine, Many Mountains Moving, The Monarch Review, Sanskrit Literary-Arts Magazine, Sierra Nevada College Review, Soundings East, Spillway, Stickman Review, 2Bridges Review, and other periodicals and webzines. 
Joan Marie Wood
Joan Marie Wood’s poetry has appeared in Peregrine, decomP and Paterson Literary Review. “Her Voice Is Blackberries,” a book of poems, was published by AWA Press. She has led writing workshops in Oakland, CA since 1995.
Wayne F. Burke
Wayne F. Burke’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Bluestem, Black Wire, Dead Flowers, Red Savina, Industry Night, FORGE, and elsewhere. His book of poems “Words That Burn” is published by Bareback Press (2013).
Chelsey van der Munnik
Chelsey is a student and poet living in the uppermost corner of New York. She has been writing for a couple years but has only recently felt confident in her work. She enjoys Hitchcock films, cooking, and growing cactus and tomatoes.
David Melder
David Melder grew up in the Boston area, spent some formative years in Tokyo and currently resides in San Francisco.