Issue 108

I was a shelf of unread books,
the Easter bonnet on the snowman,
the squeal echoing in the swing set tube,
a conch no one brought to their ear.

– From “A Woman’s Journey” by Eugenie Theall

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Contributors: Noelle Adamo, Ree Davis, Devon Gallant, Anna Halberstadt, Betsy Hays, Mollie McNeil, Eugenie Juliet Theall, Zach VandeZande

7 comments to “Issue 108”
7 comments to “Issue 108”
  1. In Eugenie Juliet Theall’s poem, she packs the emotional punch of a woman’s journey through life in a powerful series of images…showing the aging process in three short but on-target stanzas. Great poem!

  2. Each line of Theall’s poem brings a rush of strong images. The hair on my mom’s brush, the kids’ swing set, the cardinal I know from my backyard, all of it. Emotionally efficient.

  3. Dorothy Saraceno poet/performer/producer: poet EJT is brilliant at using words to paint vivid memorable images taking reader on emotional ride up & done a woman’s timeline.

  4. Every poem by Eugenie Theall that I have read is masterfully sculpted. Each one pulls out deep thoughts from my mind as if tightly squeezing a sponge. The imagery she paints in her poems is so poignant. The last stanza evokes a loneliness that is very touching. In “A Woman’s Journey”, The silver strands in the brush reminds me of coming across my moms eye glasses in a basket in the kitchen a few months after she died. It makes me sad at getting older when I feel I have not lived or loved enough yet.

  5. Wow! Eugenie Juliet Theall’s poem leaves you breathless & pensively thinking of your own journey. Her words are so creatively woven that they leave images dancing in your head. They leave you wanting more…

  6. Ms. Theall’s poem “A woman’s Journey” is rich with vivid imagery from the first line to the last. Her writing evokes emotions and deep contemplation in the reader. Leaving one wanting more…

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