Issue 208 Contributors

Meet the contributors of upcoming Issue 208

Jerelle Kraus
Jerelle Kraus has written for The New Yorker and The New York Times Magazine and is the author of “Inside The New York Times” (Columbia University Press, 2012).

David Daniel
The San Francisco Examiner called David Daniel’s ‘White Rabbit’ “one of the most atmospheric novels about the Sixties.” He has published ten additional novels and over 200 short stories. “The Heaven Stone” won a Private Eye Writers of America award and was a Shamus Award finalist. He has been the Jack Kerouac Visiting Writer in Residence at UMass, Lowell. Among his books are “The Marble Kite,” “Goofy Foot,” “Reunion,” and two collections of short fiction: “Six Off 66” and “Coffin Dust.”

Ethan Forrest Ross
Ethan Forrest Ross grew up in Michigan and now lives in Virginia. His fiction has appeared in Meat For Tea, Dewpoint, Blotterature and elsewhere. He also reads for the Barley South Review.

Joel Best
Joel Best has published in venues such as Atticus Online, decomP, Crack the Spine and Blaze Vox. He lives in upstate New York with his wife and son.

Jon Herring
Jon Herring lives in Philadelphia where he works in editing and writes during the evenings. In his free time he also serves as the Assistant Fiction Editor at Cleaver Magazine. His book reviews and fiction have been published at Cleaver, Piker Press, and Baby Teeth Magazine.

Simon Perchik
Simon Perchik is an attorney whose poetry has appeared in Partisan Review, The Nation, The New Yorker and elsewhere.

John Grey
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in New Plains Review, South Carolina Review, Gargoyle and Silkworm work upcoming in Big Muddy Review, Main Street Rag and Spoon River Poetry Review.

Andrew Davie
Andrew Davie received an MFA in creative writing from Adelphi University. He taught English in Macau on a Fulbright Grant. Currently, he teaches in Virginia. His work can be read in Bartleby Snopes, Necessary Fiction, The South Dakota Review, and Menacing Hedge, among others.