Issue 262 Contributors

Meet the contributors of upcoming Issue 262

Carson Pytell
Carson Pytell is a poet and short fiction writer living in a very small town in upstate New York. His work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in such publications as Vita Brevis, Literary Yard, Leaves of Ink, Revolution John, Corvus Review, Gideon Poetry Review, Poetry Pacific, Futures Trading, Former People and The Pangolin Review.

Ann E. Wallace
Ann E. Wallace has a new poetry collection, Counting by Sevens, available from Main Street Rag. Recently published pieces in journals such as Mom Egg Review, Wordgathering, Snapdragon, Riggwelter, and Rogue Agent, can be found on her website She lives in Jersey City, NJ and is on Twitter @annwlace409.

Denise Tolan
Denise Tolan’s work has been included in places such as The Best Small Fictions 2018, The Best Short Stories from The Saturday Evening Post, Hobart, Lunch Ticket, and was a finalist for both the 2019 and 2018 International Literary Awards: Penelope Niven Prize in Nonfiction.

Jean Passarelli
Jean is a lifelong Chicagoan and has had several poetry acceptances, most recently in After Hours Press and Ocotillo Review.

Fabrice Poussin
Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.

Janet Amalia Weinberg
Janet Amalia Weinberg is a former psychologist and the editor of an anthology which was an Independent Publisher Award Finalist (Still Going Strong; Memoirs, Stories, and Poems About Great Older Women [Routledge]). Her stories and articles have appeared in Room, Long Island Woman, Psychology Tomorrow, Mused, Wild Violet, New Age Travel, Long Story Short, Ascent Aspirations and elsewhere.

Ken Poyner
Two of Ken Poyner’s poetry collections and four of his short fiction collections are widely available. He lives with his power-lifter wife, various cats and betta fish in the southeastern corner of Virginia. He spent thirty-three years in information security, moonlighting as a writer. Now, he writes dangerously full-time.

Don Robishaw
Don Robishaw’s five Flash Fiction Story Collection, ‘Bad Road Ahead’ was the grand winner in Defenestrationism, 2020 Flash Fiction Suite Contest. His work has also recently appeared in Crack the Spine, Literary Orphans, Drunk Monkeys, Flash Fiction Magazine, O’ Dark Thirty, among other venues. Many of the characters he developed have been homeless, served for periods of time in the military, or are based upon archetypes or stereotypes he’s met while on the road. He likes to write poetry, satire, tragedies, and gritty fictional tales — of men and women from various backgrounds — that may have sprouted from a seed, from his past. Before he stopped working to write he ran educational programs for homeless shelters. Don’s also well-traveled, using various ways and means: Sailor, Peace Corps Volunteer, bartender, hitchhiker, world traveler, college professor, and circus roustabout.

Louise Julig
Louise Julig is a writer from Encinitas, California, whose work has appeared in neutrons/protons and the San Diego writers anthology A Year In Ink, Vol. 11. She has also performed multiple times at the VAMP (Visual/Audio Monologue Performance) Showcase of the San Diego literary and performing arts organization So Say We All. She and her older sister still spontaneously recite lines from Alice in Wonderland to each other and laugh. Connect with her online @LouiseJulig.