Issue Eighty-Three Contributors


New week, new issue, new contributors!

Richard Hartshorn
Richard Hartshorn lives and writes in rural New York State.  He is the recipient of the 2011 Richard Bausch Short Story Prize, and his work has appeared or is forthcoming in Drunken Boat, The Dirty Napkin, Eunoia Review, 751 Magazine, and other publications.

Loren Kleinman
Loren Kleinman is a young, American-born poet with roots in New Jersey. Her poetry explores the results of love and loss, and how both themes affect an individual’s internal and external voice.  She has a B.A. in English Literature from Drew University and an M.A. in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Sussex (UK). Her poetry has appeared in literary journals such as Nimrod, Wilderness House Literary Review, Writer’s Bloc, Journal of New Jersey Poets, Resurgence (UK), HerCircleEzine and Aesthetica Annual. She was the recipient of the Spire Press Poetry Prize (2003), was a 2000 and 2003Pushcart Prize nominee, and was a 2004 Nimrod/Pablo Neruda Prize finalist for poetry. In 2003, Spire Press (NYC) published her first collection of poetry Flamenco Sketches, which explored the relationship between love and jazz. Kleinman judged the literary entries for the book Alt-History: New Writing from Brightonpublished by QueenSpark Books (UK). She was also a contributing editor/writer for the Cancer Dancer by Patricia San Pedro. Kleinman is also a columnist for (IR) where she interviews NYT bestselling indie authors. Many of those interviews in IR reappeared in USA Today and the Huffington Post. Her second collection of poetry, The Dark Cave Between My Ribs, is due to release in 2014 (Winter Goose Publishing, 2014). She is also working on a New Adult literary romance novel, This Way to Forever; and a collection of interviews and essays that explore the vibrant community of indie authors called Indie Authors Naked: Essays and Interviews on the Indie Book Community  (Publisher: IndieReader).

Joanna C. Valente
Joanna C. Valente currently lives in Brooklyn, where she is a part-time mermaid. She received her MFA in poetry writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Some of her words can be found in decomP, Thrush Poetry Journal, La Fovea, The 22 Magazine, and other places. In 2010, she founded Yes, Poetry. Her ghost resides here @joannasaid.

Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier
Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier is a writer and a photographer who has developed a real love for capturing life and forms with her camera. Her work has been featured in many different forums, from national newspapers to heritage museums.  She began her career in the field of news journalism and it was there she excelled at the art of photography; with film, negatives and endless hours in a darkroom. This appealed to the artist in her. She likes to say she has a trained eye for what the camera loves and that’s why she rarely turns the lens onto herself.  Enjoying experimentation with the camera has allowed Karen to broaden her photographic experiences to include portrait, fashion and style portfolios, lifestyles, sports, horse racing, military life,  news, education and entertainment work. Presently, she is an online magazine columnist and photography contributor, putting her journalism/photography and mass communications degrees finally to good use. She has always found a place for her photography in print and online, being featured in Jaw Dropping Shots, and at literary magazines such as The Canadian Vocational Journal, Crack The Spineand Zen Dixie to name a few.

David Press
David Press lives in Milwaukee where he has taught, run an educational publishing company, sold battery-operated Santa Clauses, and authored six young adult nonfiction books on abolitionists, environmentalists, and such. These days David writes genre busting micro novels, risky sequences of overlapping, contradictory and non linear nano episodes. Some of these may be read in Fiction Fix, Fringe, Red Fez, Cobalt and elsewhere. Press also writes one-act, theater of the bizarre plays, two of which he has published as an eBook, “Holy Mackerel! Theater of the Absurder,” available from Smashwords, or, if you really must, Amazon. Active in the Milwaukee arts and open mic poetry communities, Press lives with his wife, Petra, an art teacher, printmaker and book artist whose works are exhibited nationally. They sometimes collaborate on unique word/fiber projects.

Amber Cook
Amber Cook’s work has appeared in Literary Mama, Adanna, Deep South Magazine, Toasted Cheese, All Things Girl andDzanc Books’ Best of the Web series. She lives and writes in Tennessee.

Steven Minchin
Steven Minchin is a poet, painter and video artist in upstate New York’s cultural capital, Albany.  He has recently published his 50th poem and is finishing work on the upcoming book “Eleven Perditions After Love and Other Nauseating Adventures.”  His work has appeared in Mad Swirl, Short, Fast and Deadly, as well as vox poetica and others.

Sidney Thompson
Sidney Thompson is the author of the short story collection “Sideshow.” His fiction, twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize, has appeared or is forthcoming in such literary journals as the Southern Review, Carolina Quarterly, Prick of the Spindle, Ostrich Review, Ragazine.CC, Danse Macabre, 2 Bridges Review, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, NANO Fiction, Atticus Review, Ray’s Road Review, The Story Shack, The Fat City Review, and Connu. He lives in Denton, Texas, where he teaches creative writing at Texas Woman’s University. 

2 comments to “Issue Eighty-Three Contributors”
2 comments to “Issue Eighty-Three Contributors”
  1. I /we would like to see more of Steven Minchin’s work published in your upcoming issues !!! He has a huge fan base in many States of the USA more please more. He opens the mind.

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